Beef Shares – FAQ

How much beef do I get?

Whole: approximately 520 pounds

Half: approximately 260 pounds

Quarter: approximately 120-130 pounds

Eighth: approximately 60 – 65 pounds

What cuts do I receive?

This depends on what cuts you would like to pull out versus ground down to ground beef (with whole, ½, and ¼). We cannot offer custom processing with an 1/8.  With this being said, below is an example of what you may receive with a half.

2  3-4lb sirloin tip roast

8 2lb chuck roast

2 3.5lb rolled rump roast

2 2.8lb English roast

2 3lb round bone roast

4 5lb short ribs

5 3lb sirloin steak

4 3.7lb round steak

2 8lb brisket

4 1lb stew meat

4 1lb soup bones

5 3lb rib steak

4 2.3lb T-Bone Steak

4 2.5lb Porterhouse Steak

90lb ground beef

liver (optional)

heart (optional)

oxtail (optional)

tongue (optional)

Are your beef grass fed?

They are pasture raised, which means they receive some grain, but it is never their sole source of food. Grain adds flavor and marbling to the muscle, which results in better flavor than grass fed beef.

Does the beef come packaged and frozen?

Yes. The processor flash freezes the meat right after cutting and packaging.

How much freezer space do I need?

Approximately 4 cubic feet of freezer space per quarter.

How do I reserve my share?

Pay $100 deposit/quarter and we will take your cutting instructions. We will then give you a call/text/message when the beef is ready for delivery.

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